Myriam Levy-Chernoff

"For the word of God is alive and effective, and sharper than any two-edged sword; and it pierces even to the division of the soul and the spirit, the joints and the marrow, and discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart" (Hebrews 4 : 12).
For a long time I have been very surprised by the fact that most believers attend the synagogues or Christian temples without their Bible. They simply go as 'listeners' or 'read on their cell phone. Of course they also read many other things, since we all know that 'notifications' constantly pop up, distracting most of the main objective.
I ask you: Has the pleasure for this precious book lasted so little time… the book that took many centuries to print and reach our hands, being as easily accessible as it is today?
The first printed bible was The Gutenberg Bible, also known as the 42-Line Bible or Mazarin Bible. It is an edition of the Vulgate, printed by Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany in the 15th century. Prior to this, the Scriptures were recorded in biblical scrolls. It is a fascinating story, but due to space and time we cannot go into detail. However, I recommend that you investigate and read more about it, as this will make you value this book of Divine inspiration even more.
Have you considered the sacrifice of the many people who paid a high price, even with their lives, to preserve the Scriptures? Do you know that in reality we already have very little time in the day when we could buy a Bible and read it freely, without any kind of restriction or persecution? (I am referring to the countries in which we can do this). For centuries you could not read it, or buy it. However, I observe a cold and chilling indifference, a 'lack of love' for the blessed word of G-d.
This is actually more serious than we can imagine, for if we discard the printed Bible, how can there be a deep study? On cell phones? Really? If we took a survey, will the majority of those who call themselves "believers" be able to correctly answer, "how many books does the Bible have?" Will they be able to give an overview, even if it is general, what each of them is about? When they read on the internet, will they be able to distinguish or detect if the text is altered? If someone tells them that the book 'Joram' is found in the Tanach, will they be able to distinguish that this is simply made-up? What is the foundation of faith if you no longer take time to read and meditate on this precious book daily? The Book that God left us through Moses, the prophets and apostles, and through which He speaks to our hearts and instructs us in faith.
Can it really be said that we love G-d when we are not interested in knowing Him through his Word (the Bible)… ????
I recently read a book by the late Billy Graham for the second time and found several quotes related to our topic and I want to share them with you:
-"The same practice of reading the Bible will have a purifying effect on your mind and heart. Don't let anything take the place of this daily exercise."
– "Let the study of the Bible become the center of your life, not only so that you know it, but so that you obey it"
– "The Bible is the only book that offers man redemption and points the way out of his dilemmas. It is our only sure guide in an insecure world"
– "The Bible is not an option, it is a necessity. You cannot spiritually grow strong without it."
– "Without the Bible, this world would be a dark and frightening place, without direction and without a beacon of light"
– "Go back to the Bible, start reading it. Study it and God will speak to you and transform you, and perhaps through your history can be changed"
– "Today there are more people who know the words of a commercial on television than the words in the Bible"
– "When we approach the Bible just for the history and biography, we approach the Bible in the wrong spirit. We must read the Bible, not primarily as historians seeking information, but as men and women seeking God"
I want to encourage you to buy a Bible if you do not have one, and if you already have one but it is "dusty" or "tucked away" in your house, it is time for you to consider it an essential part of your daily life. Read it every day and take it with you to the synagogue or temple you attend. Also, encourage other believers to do this. Remember and meditate on Yeshua's words and obey His advice:
"Search the Scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life; and they are the ones who bear witness to Me." John (Yohanan) 5:39 

Myriam Levy Chernoff is the president of the AJMM (Messianic Jewish Alliance of Mexico) and vice president of the IMJA (International Messianic Jewish Alliance)....